How we work

SDG Align - The way forward

The most critical step to a sustainable future is to commit to action. That’s our core business.

Industry insights

SDG Align works with industry associations, regional bodies and employer organisation to:

  • set a bold vision for sector contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals 
  • understand the SDGs in the context of industry players and trends
  • create future member services to support industry transformation
  • develop sustainable business models to deliver services.

See also: What can you contribute to a sustainable future?

Declaration to Manifest for a sustainable future

Associations, peak bodies and regional authorities are encouraged to sign the SDG Align commitment to action. This manifesto commits signatories to the Sustainable Development Goals, to take action and to support their membership through reporting, recognition and education.

Business member insights

We work with associations to cultivate their sector narrative promoting the benefit of embracing sustainable development, and create their own industry manifesto to facilitate the first step in commitment and to recognise their journey towards sustainable future.

At SDG Align, we offer a two stage assessment process leading to recognition based on performance.

  • A small business (SME) Sustainable Development ‘ready reckoner’ tailored to businesses in the built environment. This self assessment of current business contribution to the SDGs helps identify future focus areas and set business goals

  • A data driven ‘materiality and recommendation engine’ to provide an evidence based and benchmarked measure of business contribution
    • aligned with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
    • including Materiality process
    • benchmarked to industry
    • publicly disclosed.


All businesses are making a contribution, many don’t yet realise it, are focussed in a single area or don’t know how to do more. By recognising that SDG alignment is a journey, we can all improve. Our aim to support business to navigate this journey. This begins with recognising your current contribution, setting goals and continuous improvement.


We also offer tailored education to enhance SDG awareness for business owners, employees and communities and to provide guidance on how best to improve. This support brings together existing education from universities, vocational education & training (VET) providers, continuous professional development (CPD), and short courses, along with practical advice and ‘how to’ from sector experts.

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