Modern methods of construction to support a sustainable future
Sector Leadership on Sustainable Development
The prefabricated construction industry has been showing the way on waste reduction in the construction industry for many years. At their National Conference this year the Board of prefabAUS has further demonstrate it leadership with the signing of a Commitment to a broad based approach to Sustainable Development . This commitment not only leads the Prefab sector to a more sustainable future but demonstrating leadership in an area the rest of the construction industry can aspire to.

Sustainability is Bigger than Climate Action
The prefabAUS commitment acknowledges the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (the SDGs) as a basis for a sustainable and prosperous future for the people and the planet. Explicitly committing to Climate Action while at the some time prioritising social and economic action.
The prefab industry is already leading the way on climate action. The ‘design for manufacture and assemble’ approach brings with it huge opportunities for waste reduction, circular design, and highly efficient buildings, all of which make prefab the logical way to reduce the environmental impact of the built environment
Damien Crough – CEO prefabAUS
Meeting the needs of today without compromising the future
Australia is facing a housing crisis, with demand outstripping supply. However, traditional construction is not keeping up! Prefabrication must be part of the solution to housing supply. Compared to traditiional construction, offsite manufacture drastically reduces the downtime caused by weather and material challenges. Improved scheduling, better supply chain management and efficient production lines allow prefab to produce consistently high building performance, quality and productivity
People and Productivity
A producitve and skilled workforce is central the future prefab industry. To meet growing demand, Prefab must attract and retain talent. Firstly, by focussing on creating secure, well paid and skilled jobs. Secondly by putting diversity and inclusion at the heart of the industry.
The prefab industry has a unique position in the construction world where it can provide a safe, healthy and inclusive opportunity for employment for a diverse range of worker. By the very nature of the manufacturing environment it is able to offer new opportunities to women, migrants and people with disabilities that are not usually available in traditional construction
Damien Crough – CEO prefabAUS
PrefabAUS, as the peak body for the industry, will work closely with members and stakeholders to;
- provide education,
- facilitate collaboration
- and above all lead the industry towards a sustainable future.